Salvage Psychiatry Telepsychiatry (Client Safety Contract)

I hereby contract with Sound Wellness Telepsychiatry Mental Health Provider/Clinician), that I will take the following actions if I feel suicidal…
I will NOT attempt suicide.
I will call someone. , please provide name and telephone #
If I do not reach Dr. Linda Allibalogun or my assigned provider, I can either call my therapist or phone any of the following services:
National Suicide Prevention Hotlines 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433) or 1-800-273-TALK (8255) 410-768-5522
Disaster Distress (Helpline Offers Immediate Crisis Counseling) 1-800-985 text "TalkWithUs" to 66746
1-800-985-5990 or test "Habianos" to 66746 (Spanish)
I will further seek support from any of the following people: Provide names and phone numbers
If none of these actions are helpful or not available, I will go to the ER at one of the following: Provide potential Hospital name, Address, and Phone below:
If I am unable to get help or I am unable to go to the hospital, I will call 911 and request help.